Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
Wilber has a new (premium) offering on Integral Life - an excerpt from his forthcoming book, The Religion of Tomorrow:
Supermind and the Primordial Avoidance
An excerpt:
"Supermind is the epitome of freedom and responsibility. You, and in the deepest sense you alone, become responsible for the entire planet and all of its beings. Immanuel Kant beautifully defined a “cosmopolitan” as one who feels that, “when anyone anywhere suffers, I suffer” – a profound world-centric awareness. And the ultimate cosmopolitanism is when one feels that, when anyone or anything anywhere suffers, I suffer, because I am them.
Supermind is that type of all-inclusive, all-pervading, all-embracing responsibility. And it starts with being able to hold the entire Kosmos in your awareness without shutting out so much as a single item. Absolutely everything entering your field of awareness, with no exceptions whatsoever, is fully and totally embraced, saturated with love, radiating from the infinity of your own heart-space, streaming from the radical fullness of your very own being, and reaching out to each and every thing and event, in each and every direction in the known ends of the Kosmos itself. There is simply nothing anywhere, at any time, on the outside of this awareness. It is “one without a second.” And having no outside, it has no inside either, but simply is.
To contract at all in the face of this undivided wholeness awareness, this total painting of all that is existing in this timeless all-inclusive present, is to set in motion the self-contraction, the separate self-sense that latches onto the relative, finite, conventional small self – a necessary functional entity for this manifest world created by the True Self itself, along with the rest of creation – but latches onto that small self, or “I”, as if it were itself the True Self, or “I-I”, thus setting in motion the entire train of events known as ignorance, illusion, Maya, deception, the fallen world, the world of the lie. This is transmitted in each and every lower structure present, and the radically enlightened nature of Supermind becomes lost and obscured in wave after wave of avoidance.
And that avoidance rests on this, what we might call “primordial avoidance” – the very first subtle looking away. If we go back to the single, indivisible, total painting notion, there is some element, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, that for whatever reason I don’t want to look at, to be aware of, to notice, to allow into my awareness – that single, primary turning away, looking away, moving away. That primordial avoidance sets in motion the events that are, at this level, the dominant cause of the world of Maya, illusion, ignorance, deception. And every level, top to bottom, is infected with this delusion."
–Ken Wilber, Supermind and the Primordial Avoidance
Views: 1476
"Visser has said that Wilber is very strong when it comes to the upper left ; now I would think Ken is super-strong!"
Superhuman, in fact. I know, some will say that he's being metaphorical, or that it's a teaching strategy or some other rationalization. I'm not buying, either the course, the hype or the apologetics. (I'm not referring to you here Ambo but to the FB IPS thread on this.)
Hard to read when packaged in an infomercial format. There is an inherent dissonance here between the most advanced state/stage a human can attain and the method of said deliverance.
Putting that aside: how does this differ from L. Ron Hubbard's psychological clearing methods? At the very least there seems to be a wedding here between modern psychological principles and Buddhist epistemology/ontology. If this is true then it is fairly easy to see how god gets dispensed with or becomes solely identify with being a human being ( the onto theological fallacy) concomitant with the subtle privileging of one tradition over another. This is not the road to pluralistic peace, imo.
BTW., theurj: the last thing I would ever accuse you of is being dogmatic. You've laid out a ton of evidence and argument for your particular take on Integral which I've come to view as more logically consistent than Wilber's. That I might not agree with the 'sternness ' of your conclusions about the nature of reality does not prevent me from having an appreciation of your knowledge in this area.
Oh, yeah, for sure, Ambo, if the question is if super mind is possible. I always liked the Taltos in Rice's books. But possibility, to me, doesn't change how anyone goes about verifying real life claims. Really, anyone can claim this and there doesn't seem to be any way to falsify anyones claims to super mind. And then the question of efficacy again. Humanity, counter to popular opinion, is about to enter a !@#$%storm in the next 50 years if we don't solve the 'black tar' issue. I don't see how these two issues are irrelevant here.
Anyway, good to hear that you're on the road to recovery. I'm still laid up for a bit longer so I get to continue being a gadfly here!lol
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