After much extended consideration I changed the name of my blog from Integral Postmetaphysical Enaction to the above. (Former blog postings in this thread.) It will still be at the same link. I've decided to change the name largely due to no longer having much interest in integral theory. Still some, but not enough to justify it in the name. I'm still interested in postmetaphysics, but who the hell has heard of that outside a select few eggheads? I am much more interested in motivating myself and others into participating with progressive ideals and enacting those policies in all domains. Keeping the old blog name was more than a bit off putting for that broader agenda. I'll keep the old name as a subtitle for now for those familiar with and searching for it. But my intent is to get more people involved in the hope of actually changing things for the better instead of engaging in interesting but mostly armchair speculations.

I retained the word enaction for a few reasons. It relates to specific philosophical models of embodied cognition (and/or realism) in which I'm still interested and will continue to write about. It is a progressive evolution over previous models highlighting our participation with co-creating our realities. Note the prefix co, indicating that though we participate the Real grounds and delimits that participation. But that's still egghead. Mostly because the word means creating law, which to me is the most effective way for us to implement our values in society. Hence a lot of my focus is on motivating us to participate in changing or creating laws aligned with progressive ideals.

The blog will still be the same except that the name will more accurately reflect what I've been doing here for the past several months. I hope the current audience will continue to read. And I hope the new name will attract new readers who are motivated to join me in participating in progressive ideals and enacting laws and structures to express that agenda.

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Also, one might do a search on Zionisn and Christian Zionism and their relationship and influence on neoliberal polity . This is why I am such a strong advocate of calling out false religion . Now I know Kenny deals with this issue by lumping all religion into blue myth ; but I suggest one step further and say ALL religion on the planet today is in some way patently false . Which is why I thought it important to dispute Stuart Davis's religious position which I see as patently false ( humans are not god ) . I believe I could win any debate with any religious perspective where at a minimum I can prove that all modern interpretations of ones religion leanings are false ( unless one held similar views to mine ) Hahaha . 

From this perspective it is far better to hold atheistic views than to hold onto false religious notions !

BTW : if one were to ad up the cost of all the different welfare bureaucracies in place today ( including the prison industrial complex ) one might find the cost of all that dysfunction is more than one global commons welfare solution where people are taught and learn healthy ecology in exchange . So even in this global monoculture there is probably room for it but the elite are too deeply cynical to implement healthy human systems . 

A quick search on criminal prosecution with the V.W. scandal;

A pretty clear global pattern is emerging : corporate and financial crime will only be dealt with by financial penalty . The problem with this : if one were to study the Koch Bro. history of breaking laws and paying penalties one would easily come to the conclusion that the punishment is laughable . At least those who commit these crimes are laughing inside , IMO ...The new untouchables ......

I wouldn't necessarily advocate for traditional forms of punishment for this type of crime . Putting anyone let alone these white collar folk in the hell that is the prison industrial complex wouldn't be productive or reforming . 

On green crime punishment : 5 years of tree planting and re-education into the importance of ecology and business practice .

On financial crime : the taking away of most assets of individuals convicted and have them start again in business but only in not for profit enterprises . 

Oh, what do we have here : Integral Crime and Punishment !


and, when i went to your website, i checked out judy and gene dancing. yeah, quick, light-and-glide-footed, precise, strong. talentomundos.

theurj said:

Petition to condemn Trump on Muslims. And he leads the Republican field for President. What does that tell us about the Republican agenda and their base?

The Republican/Conservative base is for the most part Christian Fascist . I suspect that In America most of those actors are heavily invested into arms manufacturers. Instead of social welfare going to the people our tax money goes to the MIC which sets up the very conditions where we have to be divided and conquered via another  wedge issue.  If out tax money wasn't used to conquer muslim lands for corporations we wouldn't need this discussion . On the secular side of Republicanism the root causes are the commitment to global neoliberal corporatism which has no respect for boundaries; the least of all national boundaries . Obama and Trudeau will sign the TPP insuring the continued destruction or the earth and its eco-systems . They do this while paying lip service to pollution . 

Here is a link to this issue from Ottawa :

It's clear from the comments that most Canadian's don't want this rammed down our throats at the speed that its being done . From my perspective this is a PRIMARY argument for a second non-debt currency of some sort - or some type of G.A.I.N . 

If one throws all of Wilber's first tier  memes into conditions where the economy dictates a dog eat dog society then the outcome is a foregone conclusion : race wars . The last thing I want to see happen here is a muslim backlash but if these leaders are going to set up conditions that make it inevitable here then we only have ourselves to blame for consenting to their toxic , rabid system . 

On potential terrorism: the only thing that can stop it is to stop the root conditions that cause it and our leaders are ideologically opposed to doing that . They would have to withdraw from at least 100 years of colonial manipulations .Today those manipulations are about resource control to keep the beast fed and an Israel first ideology.  . So we will have endless terrorism getting progressively worse through the coming decades . More police states , more surveillance , more expansionist wars ( especially in the mideast) , creating the conditions for a full blown WWW3 . As this plays out muslims in N.A. will be WRONGFULLY persecuted . 

Andy Borowitz's sardonic take:

Nazis Call Trump's Plan for Muslims 'Derivative'

WASHINGTON – In an intellectual property lawsuit filed in federal court on Friday, a group of prominent Nazis accused billionaire Donald Trump of “intentionally copying” key tenets of their political ideology for use in his recent stump speeches. Rinehart Krolz, the Delaware-based Nazi who organized the lawsuit, said specifically that Trump’s plan to register Muslims and track their movements was so “derivative of our copyrighted material” that he and fellow Nazis felt compelled to file the suit. “As much as we Nazis may agree with a lot of things Donald Trump is saying, at the end of the day we have to protect our brand,” Krolz said.


Scott Preston posted this today on his blog, The Chrysalis:

"...An End to Evil (and Fukuyama’s “end of history”) was the neo-con screed by Perle and Frum to rationalise neo-imperialism and postmodern warfare. The jihadis think no differently in terms of globalisation and “McWorld”. All this is childish logic; a childish logic which has, nonetheless, become a fate for us all, and the danger here is that everyone will be drawn into the current of the demonic, which is the nihilistic, in the delusional belief that they are all doing the “good”. As Nietzsche also once put it, when one goes to fight monsters, one had best take care not to become the monster oneself.

The endgame of the dialectic of war and terror is only mutually assured self-destruction. In the name of “defending our values”, we will negate every one of them, and Islam itself will become void as much as “Christendom” was made void by Inquisition and Crusade. McWorld and Jihad are both headed towards mutual exhaustion of their values. Siege mentality, fortress mentality, the mass surveillance state, and the erection of all kinds of walls and fences, mental, political, and literal, will now become part of “the new normal”.  It truly is a world in upheaval.

It’s beginning to look a lot like we’ve finally blundered into Orwell’s dystopian vision of the future in his 1984.  Barber’s book, though [Jihad vs. McWorld], makes excellent reading for those who want to understand the “double-movement” that Gebser also saw in the dynamics of the times. If you haven’t read it, it is probably a good time to consider doing so and to reflect on the meaning of it."

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What paths lie ahead for religion and spirituality in the 21st Century? How might the insights of modernity and post-modernity impact and inform humanity's ancient wisdom traditions? How are we to enact, together, new spiritual visions – independently, or within our respective traditions – that can respond adequately to the challenges of our times?

This group is for anyone interested in exploring these questions and tracing out the horizons of an integral post-metaphysical spirituality.

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