Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
Views: 8102
i think i have to get back to the stuff a bar ,even an american bar ,especially happy hours
is all about .since i dusted my old fender and mesa boogie off today and played along with this
song here, one of my old time favourite ...lets fly away
This post reminded me of this song from my yute:
not such an happy hour today
lou reed died , one of my teenage hero´s
R.I.P. have a walk on that wild side now
more of him hero.ine
sweet jane
and of course set a lite of love
have a GOOD TRIP
bye bye lou
thanks for all
max miller said:
not such an happy hour today
lou reed died , one of my teenage hero´s
R.I.P. have a walk on that wild side now
oh well
here is probably his best album 1972´s transformer starting with the marvellous viscious
i have one on you .......lou
max miller said:
oh well
here is probably his best album 1972´s transformer starting with the marvellous viscious
i have one on you .......lou
oh i found this little film just now: video to walk of the wild side
max miller said:
max miller said:oh well
here is probably his best album 1972´s transformer,some say, starting with the marvellous viscious
but my favourite is rocknroll animal of 1974
i have one on you .......lou
oh i found this little film just now: video to walk of the wild side
hm strange , seems no one takes any notice of lou reeds death here . maybe you after all do not understand religion really . here is one jew who does . and his experience mirrored mine only about 20 years earlier
so my suggestion is : read this piece called the holy trinity , its about velvet underground and 3 of it s members :cage warhol + lou reed.........
this guy understood what and who yesterday died.
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