Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
Dear friends,
recently I wrote my letter to Ken Wilber where I state several ideas important to postmetaphysics discussion as I guess.
When I first read "Integral spirituality" several years ago I was surprised to see pure metaphysical "postmetaphysical" approach. I feel I have something to contribute in this conversation from mystical point of view as pure mystical vision is really free from metaphysics, from any beliefs and universal views. Since my first article about AQAL 2.0 several years ago I suggest a certain method for postmetaphysical philosophy how to treat our experience without universal beliefs and axioms. Truth is out of conceptual mind, thus we should look there to find a basis for good philosophy. It's not difficult.
Applying it to current AQAL gives us some new great insights and I want to share it with you and to ask about your feedback. Here is a link for an article
If you consider it too long, have a look on p.17 at least, where I describe 10 primordial inclinations in wordviews on any levels of development. Even though before I consider boundaries that are extremely important for conversation about postmetaphysical spirituality. Boundaries between sectors and states are also objects that can be percieved! Moreover they are 5 classic elements traditions all over the world talk about.
I'm really interested in oppinion this respectable community. Thanks to all.
Views: 929
And please try to think towards 3 more fundamental boundaries, as their sides are also irreducible to one context except of unity states.
I appreciate your response, Oleg. I'll reply in detail soon, but first a quick clarifying question: can you describe for me your understanding of gross and subtle states, and can you differentiate them from (and/or compare them to) the interior / exterior distinctions?
I appreciate your response, Oleg. I'll reply in detail soon, but first a quick clarifying question: can you describe for me your understanding of gross and subtle states, and can you differentiate them from (and/or compare them to) the interior / exterior distinctions?
Well, I can give you a notion to differentiate these 2 kinds of tensions. It's better to understand them in comparison. So what is essentially int/ext boundary, when you look on it from experiential perspective? Have a look on a picture. I'm sure you know it. What is depicted in the picture? Old lady or girl? Commonly we see either girl or old lady, right? We switch our view somehow.
So where is tension here? When you have to choose one. When we see either/or it's fine, but when we see both of them at same time and try to choose what is really depicted here we feel some tension of choice.
So on exterior side it's not a girl and not an old lady. It's just a cloud of probabilities of forms that can be seen. On the interior side it's also not a girl and not an old woman. It's a cloud of meanings that we can recognize according to our conditioning. So we have to fix something in the process of experiencing and this depends on both sides internal and external as you can't see the meaning you don't know and can't see a castle here.
Lets switch to realms. It's easy to realize tension on gross/subtle boundary when you want to perform on stage and can't do it because of fear. Part of you dreams to be famous speaker and another part of you doesn't know how it's to speak on big stage and doesn't have experience enough not to be afraid of. Action can't be done while we don't have an image of self and of this action. And it can't be done while we don't know how to do it using gross body. So we have to resolve it somehow. You can see that they differ. Int/Ext tensions are more connected with choosing of objects and Gr/Sub tensions are more connected with choosing of actions.
It makes sense to approach difference from the side of objects/processes. Quadrants is in general a space of objects that arise and we deal with objects. But life is not limited to obects either you feel them or differ them. There are also processes and activity. We can also realize bodies that allow us to behave. It's actually not justified to refer behavior to UR. Why would it? Gross body allows us to behave in gross realm, subtle body allows us to imagine in subtle realm, causal body allows us to be interested in the causal realm and ground body allows us to present in nondual state. We can do all of that and actually we don't have kinds of activities that differ from these four.
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