Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
Has anyone heard of Mahendra Travedi before, or read this essay by Wilber?
Here's a link to Trivedi's website, from which this is an excerpt:
Mahendra Kumar Trivedi was born with an exceptional ability to change living and non-living matter with Energy Transmissions or "blessings" (focused intentional consciousness, called The Trivedi Effect™). Through collaborations with researchers in six countries from numerous scientific fields, Trivedi has amassed a broad set of data substantiating this ability in a scientifically demonstrable and measurable manner. The results of these collaborations are beyond anything predicted by the science and technology of today:
It is the goal of Trivedi Foundation to create additional rigorous scientific collaborations to further corroborate, reproduce and follow up on the many remarkable results of the Trivedi Effect™ on seeds, plants, soils, bacteria, fungi, viruses, metals, ceramics and polymers. Through continued collaboration with the international scientific community, we will broaden our base of understanding of the previously demonstrated effects and create groundbreaking new paradigms of the nature of human consciousness and its relationship to the material universe.
Trivedi Foundation also seeks to further the research previously done on Trivedi's distinct physiology and it's relationship to his unique abilities.
Views: 8397
There are humans at every level of spiritual awareness on this planet. The only way to understand the various levels of spiritual awareness is to experience a true teacher, or have a spiritual awakening of your own. In the presence of a true teacher, all lesser teachers fade into the background. You have to experience this for yourself in order to speak wisely about it.
Thousands of scientific (empirical) tests have been done by Universities worldwide in regards to Trivedi's ability to change physical matter. The results are available on his website and at certain Universities. Most newcomers have an opportunity to experience a physical object being blessed and see the effects themselves. Then they have the opportunity to get a blessing for themselves.
Before I met Trivedi, I had lost my home, my business, my marriage, my health and savings due to the economy. I was very depressed. Then I had four blessings and my depression vanished. My confidence is improving all the time. My health is on the rise and I sleep better. My energy has increased and I am now able to exercise. I focus better, think quicker, and am feeling more motivated. The improvement in my mental, emotional, and physical well being is still moving forward. My financial situation has improved tremendously. My daughter is less depressed and doing better, and I am going back to school. My friends have received blessings from Trivedi and are having improvement in their lives too.
I love being in Trivedi's presence because my ability to meditate is enhanced tenfold. My mind is focused and calm effortlessly. Even if I didn't have a blessing, or view any of the scientific results, or hear any of the testimonies, I would still sit in his presence, because it helps me improve my connection to the Divine. I am not under mass hypnosis. Far from it. I have my own discernment process from having been around the block a few times. For me, an advanced teacher/teaching has to be loving, truthful, wise beyond measure, charitable, balanced, full of integrity, and able to assist us in establishing a connection with God, having had a personal experience of God, or having achieved God consciousness. Each teacher has their own abilities and some are more advanced than others. Some can manifest things out of thin air, some can levitate, some can read your mind, some know your egoic tendencies, some don't even speak and come only when needed. Maybe this seems like a superman narrative, but in reality these great soul beings are examples of our true Godly nature. I always say that there is nothing like the taste of a peach, and no matter how we describe it, words can never come close to the actual experience of tasting the peach itself. It is the same when having an experience of God. There is nothing like arriving at the moment where the thoughts are quiet, and the I AM Presence... observes what is.
Blessings to you,
P.S. The Trivedi Foundation has no connection to Bhagavan Kalki's "Oneness Blessings" or Deeksha. Please do not put Trivedi into the same category as Kalki, as they are extremely different and cannot be compared.
theurj said:
I doubt that latter would be worth any empirical salt. We are well aware of how we all will fit anything to our chosen narrative and exclude any evidence to the contrary. So one who spends the money with the belief this will work will see it as working, any "objective" evidence notwithstanding.
I'm reminded of a piece Rachel Maddow did last night. There is this media narrative that all incumbents will fall in the coming elections due to the vast, angry and dissatisfied public. And yet nearly every primary held so far the incumbents won, with rare and minor exception. Still, the day after such elections the media headlines were still touting this disproven narrative. In other words, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, regardless of any results.
Note how quickly folks jumped on the narrative of this thread, of super-human powers. It's part of the integral narrative of super-evolved beings beyond anything that has ever graced the planet before, this 2nd-tier humanity guiding the rest of us schmucks into the next enlightenment of world peace etc. Even Claire Graves jumped on this bandwagon for a while (as noted in the transitional structures thread) but came to his senses. We all have a need to feel special, different, better and so on. It's a comforting story. But as Batchelor notes, liberation is not about comfort but challenge. Or as Colonel Kurtz says in Apocalypse Now, “the horror.” At least that’s my story.e
That source of energy in the the Man Mahendra Trivedi changing the DNA in plants (up to 69%) and in microbes (up to 79%).
Cannot believe it if it true need to meet this person.
Apparently one of the U.S. labs that tested Trivedi and tried to replicate the results posted on his website was largely unable to do so.
I think one reason Wilber has endorsed Trivedi is that Wilber has (at least sometimes) felt an improvement in his own health or comfort level after receiving a Trivedi blessing...
I hope it has helped him.
I explored the Trivedi effect last year and can report that I experienced a particular energetic stimulation. Would that have been greater if I had paid him to intend in my direction? Is it related to him at all? Am I generating it internally? Am I accessing a generic energy field merely using him as a prop? Are different people differently capable of being such props? Or does one merely have to be one who proposes the possibility of energetic transmission? These questions must always be in play when experimenting with satsangs, darshans, blessings, conductivity, etc.
Having just watched "The Quantum Activist" (about Dr. Amit Goswami) I am struck by the "pre-integral" style of neo-Hindoo presenters. Typically they conflate subjectivity, subtle energy & divinity. This is is the traditional Vedic move and it notably jumbles their communication... intentionally or incidentally creating an atmosphere of idealism which can be (intentionally or incidentally) exploited by various personal drives... all while higher grades of energy are (or are not) being exchanged.
Wow, Layman, all of your questions and observations really speak to my personal experience of Trivedi, in presentations and in private session of a friend which I sat in on. I long ago concluded that people who are not very evolved in their embodiment can be awesome "transmitters" to me, in my experience around them. They can talk what I consider BS (e.g. Ammachi) or they can appear pretty egocentric (e.g. Trivedi) and still be broadcasting what I consider subtle or higher-vibrational energies which can have amazing effects on a variety of living things which have the ability to resonate with them.
At the moment, this site is at full membership capacity and we are not admitting new members. We are still getting new membership applications, however, so I am considering upgrading to the next level, which will allow for more members to join. In the meantime, all discussions are open for viewing and we hope you will read and enjoy the content here.
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