Ken Wilber has a new book coming out, and a series of teaching as well, called The Fourth Turning: Exploring the Future of Buddhism.  The link will take you to a website dedicated to these teachings, and includes several video clips of Wilber and Diane Musho Hamilton.

I've read a booklet-length document by Wilber called "The Fourth Turning," which I expect will serve as the basis for the book.  Unfortunately (for me with my own interests), I did not find anything in it that was new -- that I hadn't read before in earlier books, or that wouldn't already be immediately apparent to anyone wanting to look at a topic with an AQAL lens.  I am hopeful that the forthcoming book, and possibly the video talks (I haven't heard them yet), give more details ... more nuggets for those long-time students of Wilber's works who don't need another Integral 101 teaching.

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I'm going to rush right out and buy this one. Not.

More importantly, so is The Final Turning: Transintegral Buddhism and the Free Market.

Balder: "The Fourth Turning is out now."

This parody of Colin, the Lingam's personal assistant, is hilarious. I remember in the early days of I-I Colin was scheduled to do a talk at the Lingam's house in Denver. I however proposed a talk on the Iraq War and the then administrators bumped Colin for my talk. Within weeks those administrators were fired and Ken's Kids were installed to run things.

Correction. In those days we met at the Lingam's house in Boulder, up on the hill. Amazing view.  Sold long ago.

I visited there about 8 or 10 years ago.  Yep, a very nice spread -- and view!  I didn't know it had been sold....

The question I have is this: why does Kenny continually frame his spiritual ideas within the scientific paradigm when they so obviously belong in some type of faith matrix? This is really annoying…….

Maybe Teal Swan can explain it to me some day in the most assured way she has when dealing  with spiritual matters:) 

Damn amnesia!

God's gonna get me for this: 

A faith matrix (religiousness) is always emerging from the convergence of social genres.  It is a generic cultural growth which, by its very nature, must splice and fold together different styles of information in order to attempt to make new blends.  However this has to be done today with great finesse in order to prevent a minimization of the functional embrace of each genre independently.

andrew said:

The question I have is this: why does Kenny continually frame his spiritual ideas within the scientific paradigm when they so obviously belong in some type of faith matrix? This is really annoying…….

Maybe Teal Swan can explain it to me some day in the most assured way she has when dealing  with spiritual matters:) 

Damn amnesia!

Hi Bruce, I see what you mean about that.

The link pasted below opens a 53 minute video that was his opening address to a 2014 Fourth Turning conference. For my very modest level of Buddhist scholarship, I found it quite interesting. He presented a tour pointing to certain historical moments that could be considered fulcrum points, from Gautama Buddha, Nagarjuna, the yogacharya, and tantra. He mentions Dzogchen at this more recent historical turning. Ken speculates how "integral" might be considered as a current fucrum under the evolutionary path of understanding of kosmic nature. I hope I have that fairly accurate from memory.

Unfortunately, one probably needs a premium membership to listen.

Thank you for the link, Ambo; I had missed that.  I will give it a listen later this week and will report back.

Also see this post and following discussion in the Thompson thread on how the latter is using neuroscience to support a version of Buddhism different than the Lingam's in this video.

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