In this section of the website, we will host reviews and discussions of the papers submitted for the 2015 Integral Theory Conference.  Unlike last year, we will not require that the papers be read or commented on in any particular order.  If you are interested in a paper, start a thread on it to post your review and invite discussion from others.  If someone has already started a thread on a paper you are interested in discussing, post your review and comments on the same thread*. 

The conference papers are available for downloading on this webpage, as well as the abstracts and presenter bios.  To my knowledge, the list of winning papers has not been posted yet, but here is an unofficial list (to be updated once the official one comes out):

Best Paper Award Winners:

UL: Chris Dierkes

Honorable Mention (HM): Terry Patten

LL: Kate McAlpine

HM: Carter Phipps & Steve McIntosh

LR: Randy Marten, Jeff Cohen, et al.

HM: Zak Stein (Desperate Measures)

UR: Elliot Ingersoll

HM: Teresa Silow

Alternatives to AQAL Metatheory:

Bruce Alderman

HM: Michael Schwartz

HM: Uma Narayama

Deborah Kennedy

Niki Vincent

HM: Howard Drossman & Shanti OmGaia
HM: Steve Schein

*For any who want it, I can edit the opening post to combine multiple reviews.

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MetaIntegral has give a plug, in a recent mailing, to our ITC 2015 Paper Review.  Let's keep it going!

Nice, Bruce, yeah.
Good to see David in the photo. He seems to be one of those in-group people :)

I was glad for the blurb under the photo's second paragraph, to modulate the potentially hyperbolic "that something fundamental shifted in the collective field" - curmudgeon that I can be, I'd have left out the word "fundamental." But, hey, buzz tends to be extravagant :)

Very cool. (Oh. Maybe "very" is too much.)

Balder said:

MetaIntegral has give a plug, in a recent mailing, to our ITC 2015 Paper Review.  Let's keep it going!

Yep, that's me in the photo. Good eye Ambo. In the "in-group" only because of the forward-thinking/planning part of myself that assembled the suite-mates of Trevor Malkinson, Chris Dierkes, Tim Winton, Tim's friend Gabby, and Jeremy Johnson. It was Trevor, I think, who had the drive to make our suite the "go-to" conviviality suite, and to keep the fridge stocked with beer.

There was supposed to be a contest for the best suite name. I was sure we would win with my title of "The Patterns, Beams, and Struts of Our Shared Sandwich of Reality Room."  "Patterns" refers to Tim and I with our PatternDynamics affiliation. Trevor and Chris were founders of the "Beams & Struts" website, and Jeremy Johnson is editor of Reality Sandwich. Alas, the contest apparently didn't get off the ground.

Photo reproduced below, with my crude numbers to identify some of those depicted.  Trevor is engaging Carter Phipps (author of the book "Evolutionaries" and "Depolarizing the American Mind" with Steve McIntosh), challenging him (in a friendly way) with ideas about anti-neo-liberal capitalism and the need to confront modernism's worst tendencies.  I chimed in with some themes from my paper about our assumptions of continual linear growth and the need to address the realities of limits to energy and resources. Carter was very gracious and engaging, and I really appreciated his willingness to listen and interact. In the front of the frame Steve McIntosh is sharing with Terry Patten how excited he is about all of his current projects (at least that's the part that I overheard). 

1. David MacLeod (me)

2. Carter Phipps

3. Trevor Malkinson

4. Eric Towle

5. Lisa McKay

6. Gabby

7. Terry Patten

8. Steve McIntosh

9. Chris Dierkes

10. Shanti OmGaia

Sorry, I don't remember the names of the others. If anyone knows, please chime in.

And I would personally agree with you Ambo about modulating the hyperbole. I do remember, however, late Saturday night when Olen Gunlaugsson visited our suite, and in a conversation with Trevor remarked how he sensed a very high subtle energy level at this conference, even just in the open courtyard. He and Trevor agreed it was a real difference from years past, and that it seemed to mark the beginning of a new era for integral - comments very similar to those shared in Meta-Integral's email.  Olen seems to have a highly developed perception of subtle energies.

Ambo Suno said:

Nice, Bruce, yeah.
Good to see David in the photo. He seems to be one of those in-group people :)

I was glad for the blurb under the photo's second paragraph, to modulate the potentially hyperbolic "that something fundamental shifted in the collective field" - curmudgeon that I can be, I'd have left out the word "fundamental." But, hey, buzz tends to be extravagant :)

Very cool. (Oh. Maybe "very" is too much.)

Good morning, David - sounds like and looks like a fun and serious moment.

If I weren't such a moral and intellectual lightweight on the lower right quadrant, I'd have enjoyed being there. I think I often like to bring the level of discourse down to where I can feel comfortable, which often means goofiness. That wouldn't fit well. Someday I MAY have enough gravitas to hang with the big dogs, but I'm not holding my breath, beyond my habitual breath-holding. Hah.

I like following your number system. I've done similarly after group experiences. So nice - but why are you número uno?

Ah, you're bowing to the traditional clock, and you are just to the right of center (spatially speaking) and traveling clockwise :)
Sure. These characterizations of course are very context dependent, state and momentary perspective related, creative expressions that intend to say a lot in snippets that may or may not be grokked by others. Sometimes, "You had to have been there." "High subtle energy" - sure, ok, quite right - like an especially nice set of surfable waves, "Sweeeet!"

Sometimes I get hung up on words and their connotations/denotations, that now later in life I am learning increasingly can be accorded more flexible application. "Fundamental" has been a powerful word in my lexicon that implicates a lot for me. Of less import than the L word or G word, but more than, say, even "subtle" - apparently for idiosyncratic reasons personal to me.

This casual metaintegral update, needn't obsess on my account, and they modulated it very nicely in later words.

Huhh [sigh, and then mildly compensatory smile - give me that good ole left upper quadrant any day]

David - I'm very glad to be here with you, and to be connected in some tacit way with so many others from ITC, IPS, and ABC. Thanks, Bud.

DavidM58 said:

And I would personally agree with you Ambo about modulating the hyperbole. I do remember, however, late Saturday night when Olen Gunlaugsson visited our suite, and in a conversation with Trevor remarked how he sensed a very high subtle energy level at this conference, even just in the open courtyard. He and Trevor agreed it was a real difference from years past, and that it seemed to mark the beginning of a new era for integral - comments very similar to those shared in Meta-Integral's email.  Olen seems to have a highly developed perception of subtle energies.

Ambo Suno said:

Nice, Bruce, yeah.
Good to see David in the photo. He seems to be one of those in-group people :)

I was glad for the blurb under the photo's second paragraph, to modulate the potentially hyperbolic "that something fundamental shifted in the collective field" - curmudgeon that I can be, I'd have left out the word "fundamental." But, hey, buzz tends to be extravagant :)

Very cool. (Oh. Maybe "very" is too much.)

This is stalling out earlier than last year - and I'm not helping so far (being busy with grading lots of papers at the moment).  Still, I wanted to give this a "push" again and encourage members here to read and review one of the papers.  I'll be reviewing some soon, too, as soon as time frees up in another week or so.

Thanks for the push Balder. I also hope to get back to reading some more papers in a week or so, after the event I'm helping to put on bringing Toby Hemenway to town. 

Great, David - I look forward to it.  I'll be writing more then, too.

Good luck with your event!

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What paths lie ahead for religion and spirituality in the 21st Century? How might the insights of modernity and post-modernity impact and inform humanity's ancient wisdom traditions? How are we to enact, together, new spiritual visions – independently, or within our respective traditions – that can respond adequately to the challenges of our times?

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