It is with much ado that I change the name of my blog to “integral postmetaphysical enaction” but will keep the same address. The term nonduality is too limited and too attached to certain metaphysical schools of philosophy and religion. Yes, I can recontextualize the term, make it mean whatever I want, but the weight of its historical association is more than my miniscule influence can overcome. On the other hand the term enaction is within the historical context of recent developments in cognitive science yet applicable to all methodologies across the spectrum. Plus it specifically denotes the kind of nonduality in which I'm interested through continuity, both within an individual and between an individual with others and the environment. In AQALese, the integrated and inseparable relations between the one and the many, the inside and the outside. And all within a postmetaphysical, developmental trajectory that dynamically enacts a worldspace, not discovers a universal, given world. It also demonstrates the relation of action and theory, for it is my hope to inspire action in those who read these theoretical ramblings.


By the way, I did an internet search on those terms in  parentheses and again it is currently the only link on the web, another first.


Here is a good working definition of enaction from Enaction School 2010:


“The term enactive is used to identify a way of thinking about, and a set of methodologies for conducting, cognitive science. This approach to describing, explaining and investigating the mind emphasises the valued, meaningful interaction between a living agent and its environment. It emphasises the continuity between the basic processes of living (e.g. metabolism) and cognition. It recognises the autonomy of living systems and the way in which meaning, thought and experience emerge within the dynamic, skilful activity of the agent - the enaction of meaning, thought and experience.


“Standing in contrast to much of mainstream thinking within Cognitive Science, the enactive approach challenges many of the basic assumptions of extant theory. The body (including but not limited to the brain) is considered to have an integral role in the processes of the mind. Cognitive processes are seen as the means by which an agent adapts their behavior so as to maintain their values (in the simplest case, biological values such as continued existence but in more complex cases, social and cultural values come into play). The nature of such processes is considered to be dynamic and adaptive, rather than a set of structures that are universal and modular in character.”

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An update on my blog. I'm starting to get linked to from Current TV, which is interesting as they've been bought by Al Jareeza. However AJ has yet to take over, apparently coming in June. Another recent site linking to my blog is VK, a Russian social network. I guess my progressive politics, which includes healthy criticism of my government, is getting some audience not just outside the integral bubble but outside the US bubble as well.

Interesting.  Given some of the content here, and also some of the membership requests I've received from all over the world, I've wondered two things: what IPS's international visibility is, and whether we've possibly also attracted attention from the Feds! 

I often reference and link to IPS discussion, so at least some of that audience is reading here too. And vice versa. And given the recent US repression of the press (the AP scandal), and numerous examples of punishing government whistleblowers instead of guilty government officials, does seem to lend to Big Brother monitoring those who don't tow the line. But I can't help but fight such injustice, so no doubt I'm on some shit list. And that I'm an admitted (democratic) socialist doesn't help.

Pope Francis does it again. The more I hear about Francis the more I like him.

Interesting.  This is the inclusivist position I've written about in some papers.  Not yet pluralist or integral-pluralist, which we've tried to articulate and develop here, but still a step in the right direction (IMO).

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What paths lie ahead for religion and spirituality in the 21st Century? How might the insights of modernity and post-modernity impact and inform humanity's ancient wisdom traditions? How are we to enact, together, new spiritual visions – independently, or within our respective traditions – that can respond adequately to the challenges of our times?

This group is for anyone interested in exploring these questions and tracing out the horizons of an integral post-metaphysical spirituality.

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