Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
Here is a link to Scahill's doc.:
My guess is that the only reason we are being told about this is because the global power brokers want us to know.
The 100 year anniversary of World War 1 is coming up.
Any takers? My bet is that they won't be able to stop themselves.
Views: 308
Here is the link for the number of countries in the world:
The number of billionaires:
It's not going to be long until individuals hold more power than nation states. Or, at least, some individuals are gaining more power than some nation states. Why is this a problem?
Who oversees these individuals on globally important issues? The politicians? Wrong! There are owned. The Justice Departments? Wrong! Have proven that they are owned.
Okay, a little bit of fun here. One of the great things about having no credibility is that i can say things without worrying too much.
The setting: behind closed doors in the boardrooms of petrochemical companies everywhere.
Chief C.E O.'s - I want every fucking inch of this earth fracked! Do you fucking here me! And when every fucking inch of this earth is fucking fracked i want it fucking fracked again! And make sure our Wall St. advertisers have those nice fucking nature commercials on every five fucking minutes on every fucking sports broadcast in the world! We own this fucking planet!
Neil Macdonald on integrity:
This quote from the sore losers article:
So, tell me, dear reader: Is this the first time you’ve heard a respected analyst say that oil was behind the rioting, the coup, and the confrontation with Moscow?
Well, a dis-respected nobody said it here first, at least i do believe. He even calls them the apostles of the fossils! lol
This journalist might/maybe/perhaps, very, very, remotely consider my theory on the god Ka$h. I've pointed out that this gods structure is exactly the same as the old roman church. Perhaps it's almost time for a post on the true meaning of the goats and sheep parable. A parable that was universal and not tied to belief, but rather; actions. Indeed, put within their own neoliberal jargon: there is a cost to pay for those who willfully destroy the earth's living systems. Although i am quite sure that those who walk the left hand path know exactly what they are doing and why.
Tony Blair claiming innocence:
He may be responding to this critique:
We don't hear Blair mention resource control in that essay, and we certainly don't hear him talk about the hegemony of fiat currency when it comes to trading oil in U.S. dollars. We also don't hear him talk about any other system of living other than his neoliberal ideology. Not one mention about what happens to tribal people when you take away their land and traditional ways of living off of it. So, we have Chomsky and Blair at odds and Hedges and Sam Harris feuding , also. Definitely some left/right ideological scrapping going on here.
I've said this many times about a third party intervening in America's civil war: that third party would have united the north and south and the third party would have been viewed as invading terrorists.
Chomsky has always been a key mentor for me. In Hedges piece on him Chomsky accurately defines the transition away from self sufficiency to slave wage labor in the first industrial revolution, much like Rifkin. About how they fought back by forming workers unions and cooperatives. And how the capitalists crushed them by refining propaganda to create the narcissistic consumer constantly living in fear over the Other who wanted to destroy our way of living.
And how this insidious propaganda lies hidden in our highest institutions of learning, this consumerist self enclosure, the subtle worldview hiding behind our most noble endeavors and never recognized, off the radar. Even the likes of Integral Institute, a supposed evolutionary institution, promotes this form of economy which is not only antithetical to its stated goals but which is feeding the very beast it purports to want to transcend. Even our participation in Facebook, which has coopted the Commons, where the money they make on us contributes to the very kind of labor practices and environmental degradation we claim to shun.
Chomsky thinks our only hope is to not just talk about but create a new Commons. There is a populist uprising happening but it must infiltrate the rest of us in our comfortable lives, in our elite universities, in our business practices, in our repressed participation in the kinds of practices that maintain the beast that is devouring us. For to acknowledge our complicity would require us to take action and that's just not convenient. Meanwhile Rome burns, the masses are starving, the hounds are at the gate, the climate is killing us. And we just turn up our iPods a little louder to drown out what we don't want to hear. And/or gossip on Facebook. And/or create the most beautiful and advanced models of complexity on how to address our world problems with the hidden time bomb within them. The propaganda has worked and so-called civilization and higher intelligence are not our salvation but more likely our doom. Unless we wake up and take action, but that's just too damned inconvenient.
Absolutely! I laid out a rational theology in the Noah thread that accounts for all of this. The left hand protocols and Hillary may be the apex of that ( subtle and beguiling). Of course, God doesn't exist, though, that is one of the two main deceptions that have fooled the talking monkey for millennia . The other one being that God is an ass-hole who punishes people like an ass-hole would. I think I mentioned the system of the God Ka$h in that one, too:)
Anywho, wrong thread, wrong audience!lol Yes, I've long said that Wilber created the most beautiful map of why we all have to die in abject misery. No salvation there!
My prediction is the warring Amish scenario as cheap energy runs out. That is in my opinion, the only thing that will change this beast.
Good article in Salon:
This is much closer to the bulls-eye of truth than Blair's propaganda. And Bush-- not a chance he is patterned after John Wayne, though, more the drunkin' idiot JR played by James Dean in Giant ( more unmerited wealth) wasted on drunkin' excess. I'm sure he's a nice enough guy to talk to in person but that doesn't merit the office he held, and the crap decisions he made.
Here is why the U.S. will get involved again:
All the corporations and western imperial powers have done is to allow the space needed for radical barbarian sects of traditional Islam to take root. Any chance of allowing that religion to develop to more evolved memes has been throughly and utterly negated by Bush/Blair and all the other megalomanic neoliberal nut jobs!
Yes, the real and only reason for the US invasion: oil. The rest has been smoke and mirrors all along. And why the chicken hawks want to go back. Of course they'll say: "But your source is Aljazeera, a terrorist propaganda machine." Same bullshit rhetoric to misdirect from the truth of this obvious bottom line. And ironic about who is doing the propaganda here.
There are many sources out there for this truer explanation and here is another one:
Even the left hand of God corporation loving Rand Paul believes this to be true. The fact that a majority of Americans still think that that war was justifiable can easily be attributed to Christianity's bigoted view of arab people. It has been well documented that the western media and hollywood over the past 100 years has had an extreme anti-arab bias. Of course, there is also the powerful zionist lobby that influences foreign policy decision makers.
When I say that the best long term outcome for humanity is to get as many people to healthy orange and green I am specifically targeting our populations. Neoliberalism is targeting the whole globe and the effects are disastrous. I don't know that there are any easy answers to the problems in Islamic cultures but I do know that western imperialism is not the right tactic for solving their problems. It only makes their problems worse. If we keep up with this tactic we will have unending war with Islam; moreover, our economic/ political strategies create more insurgents than if we used other tactics and methods.
One more point I want to make here: today it is almost impossible to glean any truth in these situations because of the involvement of all the covert agencies, mercenary armies, shadow governments , shady individual oligarch manipulations and a media that is more propaganda machine than anything else.
Sept 11 update:
Obama made it clear from the get go that he was owned by big finance; what took longer to glean was his subservience to the petrochemical cartels.
It doesn't take much to guess that this latest move is to continue to secure this resource for the imperialist elites. Do your own research about how many american bombs have been dropped in the 'quiet war' in Yemen over the past decade.
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