Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
* FYI, theurjism is the term for my unique neologisms.
You may have noticed that I use a few terms that are not in the dictionary, that I've made up to get across a meaning that is also not in the dictionary. So let me clarify at least two of them for the moment. Kennilingus* is one such term. It is a take on the word “cunnilingus” with which you are already familiar. The “kenni” part refers to Ken Wilber, so it's a sort of play on one who licks Wilber. This of course is metaphorical, not meaning one who actually gives head to him, although that most certainly could be included, especially since his “suck my dick” comment to critics, which comment it seems acolytes take literally. It's more like those who unflinchingly accept his work verbatim without much, if any, criticism. We all know the type, who when speaking of “integral” will use the exact same language as Wilber, not only in content but often in the same style with the same prejudices. I also use it to refer to the source from when the language comes, to Wilber's own dogma. To make it more akin to fellatio I have another variation for the object of worship in kennilingus, Ken Wilber as Kennilingam. (See this for a definition of lingam, which includes penis but goes into its religious meanings as well, a fit symbol of the AQAL religion.)
To distinguish the alternative integral movement from kennilingus I use the term “intergraal.” “Inter” comes more from the interrelations of the elements of AQAL instead of their rigid distinctions. Granted the elements should be separated out to gain invaluable analysis and clarity. Nor should they be reduced to each other in some form a overarching, dominant and relativistic mush of equality. But neither should they be so distinct as to not see how they relate, for it is in the relationships that any sense of a whole emerges from which the parts participate. And said whole is not THE whole, just a particular whole relative to a particular focus in a particular context. And this doesn't have to be reduced to another form of relativism, since it can also accommodate qualitative distinction and make value judgments so to which wholes are better in which circumstances. Also said parts do not have to be entirely subsumed in any given whole, since they retain their own agency and participate in other wholes in other contexts.
The “graal” of intergraal is the Old French spelling of the term “grail.” We often associate grails with the Holy Grail, the cup that caught the blood of Christ on the cross, and which nectar is purported to induce in one communion with the divine. Hence from such cups in religious masses where wine is transubstantiated into the blood of Christ we are washed of our sins by partaking in this ritualistic cannibalism. But again metaphorically it symbolizes more that communion with the big Other. We can demythologize that other from some metaphysical divinity to a more humane other, to focusing more on humanity in the here and now in this world and in this context, in our present embodiment and interactivity with our environment and other human beings. It is a transforming and perhaps even transubstantiating conversion from our isolated agency to a balance with our human communion through the emerging next wave of development in P2P networks. Hence intergraal is in distinction from the typically more agentic, individualistic, authoritarian, capitalistic and intellectualized kennilingus.
* Aka AQALingus for those more sensitive snowflakes offended by kennilingus. They'll probably be offended by this more innocuous version too though.
Views: 3267
thats right in german thats one of the words of choice for that anatomical region.
also it might come from the roman "popolo" or peoples because everybody got one or in the sense that
the masses are the asses of the rich elite or like in holding the shit end of the stick ,at the bottom of the pile , the head being of course above , or at the better end of the human...whole.
hm i mean romans had a queer sense of humour (seeing their idea of fun being the circus games)
appearantly they come in many shapes too
here is a little overview
: ))
Balder said:
When I was a little kid, popo was the word we used for butt.
Though not as fun(ny), I like post-pomo. Or po'pomo, rhyming with Kokomo.
max miller said:
thats right in german thats one of the words of choice for that anatomical region.
also it might come from the roman "popolo" or peoples because everybody got one or in the sense that
the masses are the asses of the rich elite or like in holding the shit end of the stick ,at the bottom of the pile , the head being of course above , or at the better end of the human...whole.
hm i mean romans had a queer sense of humour (seeing their idea of fun being the circus games)
appearantly they come in many shapes too
here is a little overview
: ))
äh uups of course i meant to post this one here : ))
Balder said:When I was a little kid, popo was the word we used for butt.
Though not as fun(ny), I like post-pomo. Or po'pomo, rhyming with Kokomo.
Here's a good real word of the day, pokelogan:
POHK-loh-guhn, noun:
Northeastern U.S. marshy or stagnant water that has branched off from a stream or lake.
Example: Kennilingus is the pokelogan of postmetaphysical philosophy.
Perhaps slopokelogan would be better, since it has yet to catch up with more contemporary, transformally informed streams that are making waves in mainstream philosophy. All likely due to its remnant adherence to some backwater dualistic and metaphysical postulates, and its stagnant and tyrannical power structure, which keep it from nourishing fresh water input.
Another good word of the day:
delitescent \del-i-TES-uhnt\, adjective: concealed; hidden; latent. Delitescent comes from the Latin word dēlitēscere meaning "to hide away."
This would be a good one to use for the virtual or withdrawn aspect of suobjects. Example: The mug has delitescent powers not readily apparent. A variation could be delicatescent, as in a deli sandwich that has little meat in it. Example: Heh sandwich artist, where's the beef in this delicatescent?
See this post for metalomania.
See this post and the discussion above for academiarrhea.
Too many syllables in the last one, it's not mellifluous. I'm now thinking ivorrhea, as in irritable ivory tower syndrome. It flows, so to speak.
Some recent posts reminded me of the Sokal affair and elicited a new variation: obscurrhea.
Here's a good word of the day, like building a straw man:
sciamachy \sahy-AM-uh-kee\, noun:
an act or instance of fighting a shadow or an imaginary enemy.
It's like the sciamachy of the MGM, which exists only in the minds of kennilinguists.
Some variations on its straw MGM application might be plurimachy or multimachy. I like the latter because of the alliteration. And it sort of sounds like a malted mocha milk shake, complete with the foamy narcissism inherent to the kennilingus 2%. Anytime you hear a kennilinguist claiming the MGM defense we might say they are imbibing a mulitmachy, a variation on the 'drinking the Kool-Aid' metaphor. The telltale foamy mustache of which they are unconscious is a dead giveaway. Or how about Machy Talkie?
Or polymachy? Polymachy wanna cracker? Polymachy talkie? It adds that parrot quality inherent to kennlingus in its MGM mumbo jumbo.
Searching this thread I'm amazed to not have found my second most infamous theurjism besides kennilingus: assholon. How could I forget to put that in here? Wow. Anyway, it seems the first time I used it was in an old Gaia thread Balder referenced here. The post right after I said:
"Briefly perusing that thread I came upon yet another of my ingenious neologisms when I said:
'So perhaps we could describe a part that thinks of itself as the whole universe as an assholon?'
I like that for describing the AQAL holon of everything so from now on..."
Unfortunately that Gaia thread, now in Google docs, did not format right and it's virtually impossible to read it now. Do you still have it in legible format Balder?
At the moment, this site is at full membership capacity and we are not admitting new members. We are still getting new membership applications, however, so I am considering upgrading to the next level, which will allow for more members to join. In the meantime, all discussions are open for viewing and we hope you will read and enjoy the content here.
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