Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
Synchronistically speaking, it is highly meaningful to see the revolutionary events in Middle-East and North Africa happening under his leadership. This gives the feeling that Mankind as a whole is on the right tracks on its way to create a better place. Those americans who elected him followed a great intuition that it was running so deep.
Views: 20
Interesting indeed.
Now Syria is waking up and that is going to be "hot"! There's much talk about Libya and how the americans shouldn't be involved in that. i understand that the American's are fed up with stupid interventions (Afghanistan and Irak). In my opinion, these two wars were'nt needed. Saddam Hussein would be falling today, organically! As for Afghanistan, useless...useless...
I personnaly think that the intervention in Libya is important. The ruling power there isn't supported by arabic countries.
But the thing that is going to be tricky is Syria. The government in place is supported by Iran. If it changes it may trigger a fire that goes from lebanon to Syria and to Iran. So Israel is going to be on high alert. And then, I think we should all put our seat belt! I bet the power in places are ready and have already figured it all. I wonder: it may be that the US is backing from libya not because it's an unjust cause or anything like this (it has never stopped the US! LOL). No, they may back off because they know that more is going to come and that the real effort is going to be somewhere else. I suggest they're just keeping their forces for the upcoming unrest (Syria-Iran)
Maybe we should start thinking what is a postmetaphysical seatbelt!
If you know who the driver is, do tell me!
"This gives the feeling that Mankind as a whole is on the right tracks on its way to create a better place."
from where do you draw your optimism? from your metaphysical belief in the Messiah-hood of Obama Christ? wtf
we are in deep shit, and it gets deeper every day now. The Fukushima Situation is still out of control, it looks like it's gonna be worse than Chernobyl if it is not already.
The Lybia Inervention is a gigantic mistake, and once more it's Barack "Nobel Peace Price" Obama who does it. Shame on him. Yes, He really has no choice, the Isreal Lobby presses him to it. They must be dead afraid from this whole avalanche of revoloutions going on. Once the turmoil reaches Iran, the powder keg will start to burn and the Final Countdown will be not far away.
to panick is of no help. but to downplay the drama is neither. what we need is a postmetaphysical discussion of the coming Judgement Day. What kind of Event will take place? what preparations can be done? WIll there be a "Judgement" of some sorts? What role play the UFOs in all this? what about the singularity? and so on. xo
What ´s wrong being optimistic now?
From where do you get your Harmaguedon crap yourself?
Messiah.hood, metaphysics?
relax a while, manolo, and btw you are sounding very arrogant by bringing your UFOs, etc-
what do you mean by that? and who do you think you are?
Christophe said:
"This gives the feeling that Mankind as a whole is on the right tracks on its way to create a better place."
from where do you draw your optimism? from your metaphysical belief in the Messiah-hood of Obama Christ? wtf
we are in deep shit, and it gets deeper every day now. The Fukushima Situation is still out of control, it looks like it's gonna be worse than Chernobyl if it is not already.
The Lybia Inervention is a gigantic mistake, and once more it's Barack "Nobel Peace Price" Obama who does it. Shame on him. Yes, He really has no choice, the Isreal Lobby presses him to it. They must be dead afraid from this whole avalanche of revoloutions going on. Once the turmoil reaches Iran, the powder keg will start to burn and the Final Countdown will be not far away.
to panick is of no help. but to downplay the drama is neither. what we need is a postmetaphysical discussion of the coming Judgement Day. What kind of Event will take place? what preparations can be done? WIll there be a "Judgement" of some sorts? What role play the UFOs in all this? what about the singularity? and so on. xo
Hi folks
Its interesting that neither Russia nor China vetoed the resolution to enforce the no fly zone over Libya . I cant imagine that they do not have ideological issues here. It could be significant since after the Egyptian uprising, the states around were beginning to assert themselves, Libya , Bahrain, Yemen. Psychologically the uprisings , so to speak were getting done in. so at the outset coalition forces reversed it some. Is it that china is not ready to assert itself yet or that this issue is not exactly pivotal? Lets say my positivity made a difference and I went with the *mankind on the right track* view – is it that china has evolved beyond the top down state model as primary in all things, maybe just a little?
The Libya intervention - does the end justify the means? Let me get Rosy again and assume that violence for the right reason, renders the meta situation less violent, liberty gets a head up. I don’t know. Maybe all this is just politics and has no sensibility or real intent to address the depravity on the ground.
I could be positive and trust mankind on the above, but Fukushima and the nuclear stuff I feel pitches everything at the cross road. Between hopelessly stupid or who cares and a better future. To be not dramatic, I’ll get into that soon enough :)
This is getting hot! LOL
Christophe: I'm not sure that Obama was willing from the beginning to intervene in Lybia. On the contrary I think they took some time to arrive at a conclusion an this has irritated some Europeans wo where pressing for action. I also don't think that the Israeli's are pressing for the downfall of Khadafi. On the contrary there's been some articles that shows that Israeli's furnish still now weapons to Khadafi. I think they prefere him than an unknown "islamist" government.
It is France and Brittain who where eager to act quickly.
China and Russia did not vetoed,but weren't eager as they are against intervention in internal affairs-as they've been targetted in the past with such rethoric (Georgia and Thibet). But they fudamentaly do not like Kadhafi's regime.
Actually none likes his family and their arrogance. His family has been forbidden of entry in some Arabic countries for years now. He draws support from the african continent - mercenaries and weapons - as he has tried to build-up an African unity.
One thing needs to be said and a little reaserch will show it is true: Khadafi's tribe is disliked all over the place. He's known as a major psychopath -which does not mean his role in Lybia over the years has been only bad.
The hypocrisy has been coming from the europeans who've been dealing with the guy over the years as if he was sane. That was the real horror (selling weapons and buying oil). That was the crime! France and Brittain in good position!
This discussion centers around the notion of crisis we're living in. And a crisis can obviously bring us to regression or to progression.
I'm also interested in what Christophe says, if I got him right: how can we read and prepare us for these events that are happening now. Shall we all bow down to the New Ages prophets of 2012 -(but at this pace they'll be wrong as we won't reach it).
Are we ccomplying with a dooms day prophecy and co-creating events in that direction?
We, with all our amazing knowledge, can we bring something or are we going to be reduced to polarized position, regressing and regressing?
My thread has nothing with some new age trash.
I am discussing the concept of synchronicity in the shaping of historical events, It is like asking what would have happen to the becoming of democracy, to the "western culture" if the parsi empire won the battele of Salamine and Marathon.
I am not interested at all in this christophe´s bible comics.
xibaba: UFOs and shit? what do you mean by that? and who do you think you are?
I'm gonna answer the first part of the question.
There are certain prohpecies and omen and signs. For those who have eyes to see, for those who have ears to heer.
This is from my 2009 Integral Life Blog:
From the article:
"In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.
Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.
In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.
And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.
Scientific interpretation of the monks’ statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction. "
Eh? What do you say now.
In case you still doubt, you little doubtful Thomas you, I have more proof. Can you say Velikovsky.
btw I dont give a shit on your pseudo micro-power thread politics.
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