For anyone interested --

Tom, a former member of IPS, has posted an interesting -- and lengthy! -- blog on Integral Life.


Quantum Enlightenment 

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As you can see, I am a bit of a ludite. Here is the paper I mentioned, Semiotic Seams: Fractal Dynamics of Re-entry. I believe this paper will contribute to the discussion above, especially by illuminating the new way that infinity gets folded into mathematical citation, but even more, the meaning of this enfoldment. I personally don't believe that new citation here simply represents a way of obfuscating something we don't understand. Instead, I believe that new notation represents a window into multiply recursive fractal universes...

Balder said:

Hi, Terry, welcome!  If you look at the bottom of this thread, right below the post box, you will see a link that says, "Upload Files."  When you submit your next post, you can click on "Upload Files" to attach your paper, and then click "Add Reply," and that will add it to this thread.


Best wishes,




By the way, the section on the Spencer-Brown notation might be a bit obtuse. I have re-written this paper for an even more recent book chapter appearing in a book in press called "On the Borders of Complexity," edited by Orsucci and Sala.


Terry Marks-Tarlow said:

As you can see, I am a bit of a ludite. Here is the paper I mentioned, Semiotic Seams: Fractal Dynamics of Re-entry. I believe this paper will contribute to the discussion above, especially by illuminating the new way that infinity gets folded into mathematical citation, but even more, the meaning of this enfoldment. I personally don't believe that new citation here simply represents a way of obfuscating something we don't understand. Instead, I believe that new notation represents a window into multiply recursive fractal universes...

Balder said:

Hi, Terry, welcome!  If you look at the bottom of this thread, right below the post box, you will see a link that says, "Upload Files."  When you submit your next post, you can click on "Upload Files" to attach your paper, and then click "Add Reply," and that will add it to this thread.


Best wishes,





Hi Terry

you had suggested semiotic seams, is it related to cybernetics and human knowing ?

where I swear I channelled mathematics

Serious? from synchronicity to channeling :) Is it initiated by a ritual, or situational and not as arranged? And the mathematics channeled is it different from something you might have come up with ?



sorry, I missed your post with the link to semiotic seams....

"One cannot define any thing without defining everything else ad infinitum."



Hi Valli,

Cybernetics and Human Knowing is the name of an arcane journal, once reputedly called the "most intelligent" journal in the world,  I think bythe Whole Earth Catalogue. I was tongue and cheek about the channeling of the mathematics. It's just that I've never written anything mathematical before, and I wasn't sure where it came from. One aspect is quite different. Whereas we usually think about mathematics as purely quantitative, this piece was inspired by a Jungian understanding, which looks at numbers from a qualitative point of view instead. From this perspective, one examines the archetype of each number. So, for example, one represents wholeness; two represents duality/polarity; three represents change/chaos; four represents resolution/manifestation. The paper examines the archetypal significance of fractals. By the way, since I last posted on this site, I have used this archetypal system to write the libretto for an opera. The composer, Jonathan Dawe ( put fractals in the music and asked me to put fractals in the words. The opera is called Cracked Orlando. I used this archetypal system combined with the fibonacci numbers. I wound up writing poetry, using this system as a kind of haiku. If anyone is interested, I can post a recent paper describing what I did, plus a vimeo video with 17 minutes of highlights, from its opening in New York City last October with a ballet.  

valli said:


Hi Terry

you had suggested semiotic seams, is it related to cybernetics and human knowing ?

where I swear I channelled mathematics

Serious? from synchronicity to channeling :) Is it initiated by a ritual, or situational and not as arranged? And the mathematics channeled is it different from something you might have come up with ?


Wow, thanks Terry!  These documents sound right up my alley!  I'll look into this when I get some free time.  Thanks so much.
...Oh, and I'm definitely interested in the opera and ballet, paper and video.  I'd love to see it!  :)


Hi terry


It's just that I've never written anything mathematical before, and I wasn't sure where it came from. One aspect is quite different. Whereas we usually think about mathematics as purely quantitative, this piece was inspired by a Jungian understanding, which looks at numbers from a qualitative point of view

So you are accessing channels that are kind of non local ! If I may ask how did you acquire that ability. Iam not sure where that came from -That’s vision logic right? At least  after it comes . Seeing the equation instead of a step by step process - same movement of seeing numbers as archetypes, Or is Vision logic less representational than archetypes. Theres also where it comes from. Can I say a two step dimensional entry not in terms of plural dimensions but singular ones? I have to process what numbers to archetypes mean, I’ll read the paper and see if that comes together. But since I’ve been thinking….


I was tongue and cheek about the channeling of the mathematics

I realized first thing this morning , what you meant by channeling and when I posted that it was late last night and maybe why I was seeing séances and silky crystals . I should restrain myself :) but it wasn’t me it was my mind  that made the association, haha. Made me think neither realization or association is performative, that’s sort of similar. But association has a context  and realization doesn’t seem to . Going back to the discussion with joel I wonder if (transrational or rational) recursions  occur as either association or realization into equations ( which are performative.  and quantitative as you say). when the equation is a realization, it might rewire associations. To close the gap between the qualitative and the quantitative – Iam trying to process what this means – as  a symbitioc feature of technology and what it means for the organism (I had a question on this when you pointed me to semiotic seams) – and to archetypes. Ie when an equation is a realization but since its based on an associations inherently, does it then validate it beyond its essential reductivity.

if qualitative extends  to the fallout, ie  distance themselves  from associations,  or  the associations  are recursively redefined (reinvented? ) the dynamics of re-entry here – suggests tampering with the archetypes.

would love to check out the music and poetry. I used to be into them too in a dissidents way!


HI Joel


The move from a representational to an observational matrix would be something like  - math or complexity view (embryo genetically ?) informs evolutionary technology in the human case – the initial move – and then you have the possibility of the organism having the kind of capability for  observation (which is aperspectival as different from perspectival consciousness) That makes the cognitive unconscious available for instance – a capability for successive processing that beings have lost . I have to link you to this post to say what I mean by successive processing. Might stray a little, please bear with me :)

Vision logic axes has a dimensional aspect, I'm just trying to locate it. When you say an evolutionary technology far in advance do you mean capabilities available to nature or an ecolological matrix, or something else?

Joel  said:

If we consider that there isn’t an event without observation, is there a premise? 

 I'm not sure what you are referring to, or the way you are mapping your terms, but in my terms there are indeed events without observations.  The common interpretations of quantum science are wrong on this count, among many.  In evolutionary terms, and assuming a common representational understanding of observation, events actually precede the capacity for observation, and indeed give rise to it.  You could call mere interaction by the name of 'observation', however, and get further traction on this notion that an event does not or cannot occur without an 'observation', but then these 'observations' bear little resemblance to our common embodied notion, and the meaning begins to slip away from everyday tractability.

for complexity view or math to move from representational to an observational matrix is a sort of an axial shift. There is the difference and also a proximity , I could say the organism is technology  (since the organism is a set of conditions) and math is analogous and some integration here is not too distant . An inevitable  question is does this precipitate an intensification of complexity with transrational recursions or , does it dissipate that complexity into linear excess.

 We need to map what you mean by "representational" and "observational" here in order to progress with much footing.  But I do say the organism is technology, actually.  An evolutionary technology far in advance, in certain respects, than our human variety.  The human level has transcended but not yet integrated this evolutionary form.  But I would say that it both "precipitate(s) an intensification of complexity with transrational recursions" and "dissipate(s) that complexity into linear excess", depending on the conditions in which it arises.

Tom, that is a most awesome poem (section) by Eliot. Very apt.

Thomas said:

That view gives me renewed appreciation for the end of that poem "Little Gidding" T.S. Eliot wrote, here:


We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always—
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flame are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.

This floated by on my Facebook feed today:  Algorithm and Emptiness.

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