Has anyone heard of Mahendra Travedi before, or read this essay by Wilber? 


Here's a link to Trivedi's website, from which this is an excerpt:


Mahendra Kumar Trivedi was born with an exceptional ability to change living and non-living matter with Energy Transmissions or "blessings" (focused intentional consciousness, called The Trivedi Effect™). Through collaborations with researchers in six countries from numerous scientific fields, Trivedi has amassed a broad set of data substantiating this ability in a scientifically demonstrable and measurable manner. The results of these collaborations are beyond anything predicted by the science and technology of today:

  • Agriculture - grow crops with no use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides while providing
    • Increased nutritional value (300% increase in bio-photons)
    • Increased yields (up to 500%)
    • Increased immunity (up to 300%)

  • Genetics
    • Change the DNA in plants (up to 69%) and in microbes (up to 79%)
    • Change the genus and species in harmful bacteria

  • Microbiology
    • Reduce viral loads for HIV, Hepatitis B and C and Cytomegalovirus (up to 99.81%)
    • Reduce antibiotic sensitivity of harmful bacteria (significantly)
    • Convert cancer cells into non-cancerous cells

  • Material science
    • Alter mass and size of atom, energy within and between the atoms
    • Alter specific heat, boiling and melting points
    • Interchange mass and energy (more than 400%)

It is the goal of Trivedi Foundation to create additional rigorous scientific collaborations to further corroborate, reproduce and follow up on the many remarkable results of the Trivedi Effect™ on seeds, plants, soils, bacteria, fungi, viruses, metals, ceramics and polymers. Through continued collaboration with the international scientific community, we will broaden our base of understanding of the previously demonstrated effects and create groundbreaking new paradigms of the nature of human consciousness and its relationship to the material universe.

Trivedi Foundation also seeks to further the research previously done on Trivedi's distinct physiology and it's relationship to his unique abilities.

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It looks like the essay linked in the first post has been taken off of Trivedi's site.  But here's a Ken Wilber blog on the same topic.



this just shows again how wilber is fundamentally mistaken and confused.his confusion shows up in his endorsements :adida ,andrew cohen,gafni,.... trivedi is just his latest plunder.NOW :any run of the mill god has more power then the average human BUT ,as buddha taught, the god realms are  not liberated from the samsaric circle,  they are  just another  temporary realm of the samsaric circle. once the cause runs out ,the next stop is hell, so , not a good idea.  ken is ,as ususal, (and since a long time too) conflating the higher of the  33 deva realms with enlightenment.anybody  who has real knowledge can see this  already on wilbers theories.so due to them it becomes difficult to classify people who have some "special" power,  due to dubious reasons, maybe even some special relationship with a higher kind of being (is in india quite common actually, with mantras this is very possible). unless one understands that well being and power has nothing to do with real enlightment (they are just secondary siddhis , nice to have, but if not handle properly , a great obstacle).

but of course, if one thinks, as ken does lately, that the european filosofy eggheads have understood more about enlightment then the  tantric mahasiddhas ,: )) if one can´t see even the fundametal difference between zen and tantra . :) then ...we ll then naturally one also falls for any decent indian conman like trivedi, HAHAHA. i guess if the local fakir shows up with the old rope trick , ken will topple over and shout:  wow look here isnt that great,  too.

may all be well


"Apparently one of the U.S. labs that tested Trivedi and tried to replicate the results posted on his website was largely unable to do so."

It's not like actual evidence to the contrary is going to thwart this metaphysical belief system. Why, it's a plot and the real results are being suppressed. Or if you're a kennilinguist, then you and your instruments cannot perceive its reality because it's on a higher plane of existence, etc.

I felt energized and refreshed after reading theurg's link... coincidence? Me thinks not!

I don't think Ken does confuse the levels, because there is much on the psychic level which is still within samsara and as far as I recall, he is aware of that.

However, you make a great point, which in my languaging is that there is indeed "super-human" power on what I call the Astral Plane, but the consciousnesses on the astral plane, can be within the illusion of separation. That is why, as you said, true teachers counsel not focusing on or getting attached to, siddhis, which are mere side-effects.

I have drafted a long paper on which human endeavors and "powers" come primarily from the astral plane. Perhaps I will put it forth in IPM as a blog....

And I think I forgot to include mantras, so thanks for that. But my list is VERY long, and contains some items which most "NewAgers" really don't want to hear, haha.

max miller said:



this just shows again how wilber is fundamentally mistaken and confused.his confusion shows up in his endorsements :adida ,andrew cohen,gafni,.... trivedi is just his latest plunder.NOW :any run of the mill god has more power then the average human BUT ,as buddha taught, the god realms are  not liberated from the samsaric circle,  they are  just another  temporary realm of the samsaric circle. once the cause runs out ,the next stop is hell, so , not a good idea.  ken is ,as ususal, (and since a long time too) conflating the higher of the  33 deva realms with enlightenment.anybody  who has real knowledge can see this  already on wilbers theories.so due to them it becomes difficult to classify people who have some "special" power,  due to dubious reasons, maybe even some special relationship with a higher kind of being (is in india quite common actually, with mantras this is very possible). unless one understands that well being and power has nothing to do with real enlightment (they are just secondary siddhis , nice to have, but if not handle properly , a great obstacle).

but of course, if one thinks, as ken does lately, that the european filosofy eggheads have understood more about enlightment then the  tantric mahasiddhas ,: )) if one can´t see even the fundametal difference between zen and tantra . :) then ...we ll then naturally one also falls for any decent indian conman like trivedi, HAHAHA. i guess if the local fakir shows up with the old rope trick , ken will topple over and shout:  wow look here isnt that great,  too.

may all be well


Balder said:

Apparently one of the U.S. labs that tested Trivedi and tried to replicate the results posted on his website was largely unable to do so.

I think one reason Wilber has endorsed Trivedi is that Wilber has (at least sometimes) felt an improvement in his own health or comfort level after receiving a Trivedi blessing...

That's fine if he felt some sort of placebo-effect that made him feel better, but this is also good example of the unreliability of subjective first-person accounts substituting for objective double blind trials.

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