Participatory Spirituality for the 21st Century
I came across the attached essay today and thought it was worth sharing here.
I'll copy and paste the introduction, and the rest can be read in the attached PDF file.
Ken Wilber’s Spectrum Model: Identifying Alternative Soteriological Perspectives
Leon Schlamm
I identify two problematic strands of Ken Wilber’s transpersonal theory. First, I
question Wilber’s claim that his spectrum model is supported by the materials of all
the world’s major mystical traditions. I argue that his integral, hierarchical perspective
privileges some traditions but distorts others. Drawing heavily upon Andrew
Rawlinson’s recent, taxonomic study of mystical traditions, which identifies four
authentic routes to spiritual emancipation (Cool Structured, Cool Unstructred, Hot
Structured and Hot Unstructured), I argue that while Wilber’s model, itself Cool (the
source of spiritual liberation lies within oneself) and Structured (developmental,
hierarchical), provides a valuable cartography of transpersonal structures and states of
consciousness, it cannot adequately handle the materials of the alternative, soteriological
paths of Hot traditions (emphasising the numinous, and as other than oneself) and
of Unstructured traditions (affirming that there can be no gradual, or progressive,
spiritual development at all). Second, and more cursorily, I argue that it is Wilber’s
Cool Structured perspective that informs his categorisation of Jung as an elevationist. I try
to demonstrate that Jung’s psychic model of the conjunction of opposites is a Hot
Structured one, which provides an alternative, soteriological path for persons whose
spiritual needs are different from those addressed by Wilber.
Views: 82
This inquiry seems right up kela's former alley. I hope he has the time and interest to contribute here, as it would me most interesting.
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