History Channel: Did the Ancient Isreali's Have Sound Wave Technology?

hahahahahahaha. so the isreali's apparently had a sonic weapon that brought down jerocho. television has become not much different than youtube. aliens, ancient astronauts, nostrodamus, 2012. the "outdoor life" network here in canada has resorted to spotlighting haunted houses where people set up cameras and microphones inside houses. perhaps this is material that PMS might consider?

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Maybe they got it from the aliens that whisked Elijah off in their UFO.

"perhaps this is material that PMS might consider?"

Well, along with popcorn and almond M & Ms, I do kinda enjoy those shows when I'm PMS-ing.  ;-)

One person, and the phenomenon associated with him, I DO believe in is Chris Angel. Those aren't just tricks he performs, even though people call them tricks. He REALLY does them! He really does leviatate and read people's minds and perform telekenesis. I believe Chris's consciousness is very closely aligned to the level of quantum consciousness, where the kind of things that Chris performs become possible. Most surely Chris is enlightened just like the Dalai Lama, John Paul II, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandlela. I believe that in the near future possibly a religious movement might form around Chris.  Then maybe Kenny and Andrew could interview Chris in a Guru and Pandit exchange: it could be called the Sage, the Mage and the Wonk.

this video is about sai baba. i am totally ourtraged by it. it is a fraud. sai baba is not the fraud. this video is. sai baba was a great guru and an enlightened man. he had access to the quantum consciousness where miracles are possible. this video also shows great disrespect to the hindu religion. it should be pulled from youtube as constitating a form of hate crime. it was made by people with very closed minds. people should not have closed minds. they should have open minds. they should be open to miracles and the great men who perform them like sai baba. that is the only way we are going to survive 2012. i gave all my money to sai baba because he is a great guru. thank you and good night.



I am greatly appreciating the change of tone in your posts, Kelamuni. Easter does you good.


You have finally come back to us and you will be saved.


Jay Guru Ki jay,



my theory about the crucifixion of Jesus is as follows:  Jesus and his friends started to sell very cheap kebab from the galilee area prior the easter week, and that literally enraged the high priests Kaifas who had control over the price market in Jerusalem- Any comments?

I am also outraged that the Indian police would arrest a great mystic and yogi who has also reached the level of quantum consciousness, the mahatma, Jamun Yadav. Jamnu has the abilty to transfer the healing powers of prana due to his connection with the quantum level of consciousness wherein all things are possible. Police have no busness interfering in the performance of a persons religion and personal belief. India should have a special ammendment just like in the United States where one can practice whatever religion one pleases and it is constitutional to teach creationism in the schools.




here is baba performing his healing ritual and transfering the quantum level healing powers of prana into the sore throats of children. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StX74bU7LRo&feature=channel


As the article relates, "He claims he needs no defence in court because he speaks for God..." In other words, his actions are invioable and sacrosanct because he has privileged access to the quantum consciousness where all things become possible.

kelamuni said:

I am also outraged that the Indian police would arrest a great mystic and yogi who has also reached the level of quantum consciousness, the mahatma, Jamun Yadav. Jamnu has the abilty to transfer the healing powers of prana due to his connection with the quantum level of consciousness wherein all things are possible. Police have no busness interfering in the performance of a persons religion and personal belief. India should have a special ammendment just like in the United States where one can practice whatever religion one pleases and it is constitutional to teach creationism in the schools.




here is baba performing his healing ritual and transfering the quantum level healing powers of prana into the sore throats of children. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StX74bU7LRo&feature=channel


Also, it has been determined that one cannot get past the fifth loka of the subtle realms with the practice of this yoga; to get to the sixth loka a far more radical practice is necessary hahahahaha: http://www.corbisimages.com/Enlargement/CL001382.html

tis the season of superstitions: lamb's blood repelling the angel of death; guys waking up from the dead; and even more far out ideas about sacrificial lambs absolving sin and death, etc.

Patrick said:

I am greatly appreciating the change of tone in your posts, Kelamuni. Easter does you good.


You have finally come back to us and you will be saved.


Jay Guru Ki jay,



Synchronisticaly...He died....http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/sri-sathya-sai-baba-dies-in-putta...

"lamb's blood repelling the angel of death; guys waking up from the dead; and even more far out ideas about sacrificial lambs absolving sin and death, etc."
don't one of you EVER reveal the fact of my synchronistic prognostication of sai baba's death, nor that i exist at the REAL quantum level of consciousness, and that all this skepticism stuff is but a mere smokescreen. it would sully my creds among my richard dawkins fans... whom i am courting... but i won't tell why. mwhahahhaa.

Patrick said:t
Synchronisticaly...He died....http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/sri-sathya-sai-baba-dies-in-putta...

"lamb's blood repelling the angel of death; guys waking up from the dead; and even more far out ideas about sacrificial lambs absolving sin and death, etc."

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