The authors construct a model for Integral Business drawing from various other models and theories across all AQAL elements.
I specifically find Fred Kofman’s Conscious Business framework
interwoven with Peter Senge’s Fifth Discipline/ Systems Theory framework
along with some insights from other thought leaders. However, somehow the meta-model loses some the coherence and compactness of the individual models that it draws from, leaving an eclectic heap with doesn’t really string together the pearls to birth any new insight.
Like with many other Integral Business theory papers and initiatives, I find this one too ignoring or falling short of appreciating the structural-systemic features that fundamentally come in the way of a rebirth: fractional reserve banking, interest bearing debt-based money, consumption oriented growth imperatives, product obsolescence-driven resource depletion, and technological unemployment. Till these are handled head-on, most other efforts, to me, seem like rearranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic.