... Notice how I laughed at the Integral "rule" not to conflate quads. As I have said SO many times, the separation of quads makes sense when we are thinking like matter, looking from the overall perspective of the realm of classical objects (which we have a habit of calling "reality"). But convergence of quads makes sense if we look through the lens of a quantum substratum of total reality. The "rules" change when we include ontological (actual) depth in the equation. Philosophically an Integralist might call this a metaphysical assumption, a "given," and rail against the use of this arbitrary structuring of operational realities. Or he or she would say that too much weight is being given to the UR and LR quads, since quantum physic's interpretations come from those quads. The Integralist may show his or her postmodern leanings by insisting we not allow science to bully our Beauty (which for the postmodernist is always in the eye of the beholder, but worthwhile anyway). Science and technology, after all, are part of "the man." Screw "the man!"
But I think the quantum physics part of "the man," must be honored, because it seems to serve the liberation of the UL awe-fully well. Obviously I fall in the "quantum consciousness" camp. To me, quantum consciousness includes but transcends Integral theory.
It also includes but transcends standard "Christianity." But it in no way de-values either Integralism or Christianity. At least not for me. I value both these other two schools of thought. And use them both quite liberally.
Just a bit of philosophical clarification. Mostly for my future self which might "forget" this lucid moment.