Hey Balder, thanks for the warm welcome. Also, I noticed you put up a Shinzen Young video. Awesome! Been listening to his Expand Contract youtube channel for a while now. It's been a great part of my practice.
Sorry Baldur. I was posting it and editing it. In the future I will try and edit as little as possible, so you don't have to approve it several times. :)
Sincerely, rl.
P.S. Thanks for approving it. :)
Hi Bruce, I'm really sorry this hasn't worked out ...not just for you but for those who genuinely value what you made available here and at Gaia. Big love, Lol
Hi Balder, and thanks very much for the welcome. I'm looking forward to discussing Integral, art, and the everyday. I'm going on retreat shortly for about five weeks so it may have to wait until I return.
Thanks for the welcome Bruce! (sorry for the delay...just got back from a trip to Bodh Gaya)
It's good to see the open space you created on gaia continuing here.
Hey Brother,
Got your message about non-participants. I am a loyal lurker, every other day or so. Hope I can stay, but if you need the spaces, I understand. I suppose I can still lurk without membership, and send you an email if I suddenly erupt into a powerful need to express a thought. :-)
Best wishes,
You have seen earlier rounds of the "flare" model, but I have added some refinements along the way. Also, I attempt to speak in favor of some good old metaphysical speculation, and try to conceptualize how it might fit in with the Integral line of thought, even though IPM tends to shun metaphysical speculations.
I wanted to see how accurate my reason is in regards to Integral line of thought. I don't want to wait to become an expert before I philosophize about Integral things, but I don't want to offer wrong conceptions of IL either. Best I can do is post, and then seek quality review by persons such as yourself.
Hey thanks Balder. That sounds great. I read a great deal on my ipad and being able to post directly with ease is something to look forward to. And, by the way, you gave a very nice articulation of both your own thought and OOO in response to LaymanPascal. I've been following the exchange with interest.
Thank you Bruce! Looking forward to discussing Integral theory and how it interfaces with other post-metaphysical theories. Right now I'm most interested in AQAL theory and the three major components of the map, the interior-exterior dimension perspective, the individual -collective dimension perspective and the third being "enactment," with the possibility that enactment could also be seen as a dimension -perspective, and if so the implications of this.
Thanks Bruce, Good to be a part of the forum. I'm looking forward to getting a bit involved with it. I'm glad we will be discussing my paper down the track. You may need to right click on it , to access it on the metaIntegral site, probably because I used an older edition of Adobe Reader.
Douglas R Wallack
Mar 17, 2010
Mary W.
Mar 18, 2010
Now, is there a common grapevine type of feature around here where one can post some tidbits like a synchronistic quote and such?
Oh, and thank you for continuing the cultivation of this particular group of crazee monkeys, B. I mean it sincerely.
Mar 20, 2010
Blindness or blondness?
Mar 20, 2010
Mar 20, 2010
Mar 20, 2010
Perhaps a feature for cultivators use only?
Mar 20, 2010
shaman sun
Mar 24, 2010
Mar 28, 2010
Sincerely, rl.
P.S. Thanks for approving it. :)
Apr 4, 2010
Apr 4, 2010
Mushin J. Schilling
Apr 6, 2010
May 21, 2010
Jul 3, 2010
Edward theurj Berge
Sep 27, 2010
Edward theurj Berge
Sep 27, 2010
It's good to see the open space you created on gaia continuing here.
Oct 30, 2010
Got your message about non-participants. I am a loyal lurker, every other day or so. Hope I can stay, but if you need the spaces, I understand. I suppose I can still lurk without membership, and send you an email if I suddenly erupt into a powerful need to express a thought. :-)
Best wishes,
Nov 10, 2010
Joel Morrison
Hey thanks for the welcome. Yes, I had read the discussion and decided to join in. Looks like a great forum! Glad to be here. :)
Dec 13, 2010
M DuBois
Thanks Bruce!
Beautiful images on your page! Wow.
Great forum you have here. Nice work.
May 18, 2011
Aug 27, 2011
Kartik Subbarao
Oct 30, 2011
Darrell R. Moneyhon
Left this message at a post, but thought I'd send it as a personal message as well, in case you never saw it there.
Bruce, I would like you to check out my latest post at IL :
A Flare for Living, Be Not Afraid
You have seen earlier rounds of the "flare" model, but I have added some refinements along the way. Also, I attempt to speak in favor of some good old metaphysical speculation, and try to conceptualize how it might fit in with the Integral line of thought, even though IPM tends to shun metaphysical speculations.
I wanted to see how accurate my reason is in regards to Integral line of thought. I don't want to wait to become an expert before I philosophize about Integral things, but I don't want to offer wrong conceptions of IL either. Best I can do is post, and then seek quality review by persons such as yourself.
That is, of course, if you can find the time.
Feb 23, 2012
Steve Byrne
Thanks, Bruce. I'm looking forward to learning here.
Jul 15, 2012
Hey thanks Balder. That sounds great. I read a great deal on my ipad and being able to post directly with ease is something to look forward to. And, by the way, you gave a very nice articulation of both your own thought and OOO in response to LaymanPascal. I've been following the exchange with interest.
Jul 20, 2012
Joseph Camosy
Jan 19, 2013
Victor Shiryaev
Hi Bruce, just realized it's you! Thanks for welcoming, and great job - this place seems to be the hottest integral hub these days!!
Jun 26, 2013
Marlo Yaroslav Devanko
Thanks Bruce-ji. It's a pleasure to be here
Jul 16, 2013
Tim Winton
Thanks Bruce. Looking forward to diving in!
Aug 21, 2013
christin schaffer
Hi and Thank you, glad to be here, inspiring page for me, as far as i can see. warm regards christin
Sep 2, 2013
Neelesh Marik
Thanks Bruce
Oct 4, 2013
John O'Neill
Thanks Bruce, Good to be a part of the forum. I'm looking forward to getting a bit involved with it. I'm glad we will be discussing my paper down the track. You may need to right click on it , to access it on the metaIntegral site, probably because I used an older edition of Adobe Reader.
Oct 8, 2013
Ann Schranz
Hi, Bruce. Thank you for the welcome!
Oct 24, 2013